Learner progresses from Level 2 WPL to Level 3 Apprenticeship in Health and Social Care
February 16, 2015
Kathryn Whitehead works for Potens, Westhead Community Home who offers group living for service users who have learning difficulties.
Kathryn is a progression from Level 2 WPL to Level 3 Apprenticeship in Health and Social Care. Kathryn`s work is to a very high standard with exceptional underpinning knowledge being demonstrated. She is working around her own personal health matters to achieve her qualification.
Kathryn’s file has recently been looked at by C.Q.C. who had visited the home.
Please find below the extract from the recent inspection report.
“One member of staff told us she was currently doing a recognised national qualification in care and the registered manager told us this staff member’s file wasbeing used as a good example of how the award should be done”.