Knowsley Council and partners launch the Knowsley Offer

Knowsley Council and partners launch the Knowsley Offer

Over the Summer last year, Knowsley Council (on behalf of the Knowsley Better Together Board) spoke to thousands of residents across the borough to find out their views on a range of issues from housing to employment, town centres to green spaces and more. Specifically, they also asked residents what support, services, and facilities they need in their area to thrive, not just survive.

Using the feedback from this consultation, Knowsley Council and its partners, including Knowsley Community College, have developed The Knowsley Offer – a package of support, information, and services available to residents, right now.   The Knowsley Offer also sets out the Council’s plans to strengthen services and facilities for residents and businesses over the coming months and years.

Cllr Graham Morgan, Leader of Knowsley Council and Chair of the Knowsley Better Together Board, said:

“Our consultation highlighted some really positive feedback from residents with many people commenting on how proud they were to live in Knowsley and how they appreciate local facilities, services, town centres, parks and more. It was great to hear such positive feedback and engage with our residents after what we know has been an incredibly difficult couple of years.

“Importantly, we also wanted to find out more about what people were worried about, what they would want to see more of here in Knowsley and what support they need to thrive.

“I want to thank everyone who took part in our consultation and also our partners, community groups and the individuals we are working with every day to deliver these important services and support.”

Thousands of people were engaged in the consultation either via events or online and all of the feedback has helped to shape the Knowsley Offer which is available to view at

The Knowsley Offer is split into ten key areas:

  • Your Money – over 90% of people in the consultation said the cost-of-living crisis was having an impact on them. In response, over £9m has been allocated to support residents through the cost-of-living crisis. You’ll find a range of information and support about benefits, cost of living payments, help with energy bills, access to food and other essentials, Warm Hubs, help with childcare costs and much more outlined in the Knowsley Offer.
  • The Place – we know that many residents love living in Knowsley and appreciate having good access to shops, leisure facilities, libraries, clean green spaces and good public transport in their area. The Knowsley Offer outlines the range of services and facilities available across the borough, from town centres, leisure centres, parks, visitor attractions, culture, transport, waste and the environment, tackling climate change and more.
  • Housing – Knowsley has a wide range and some of the best value homes in the Liverpool City Region. Through the consultation, we know residents want more affordable homes or help to get on the property ladder. That’s where the Knowsley Offer can help, outlining where new developments are, help with buying a home, affordable homes options and supported housing.
  • Children and Young People – We all want the best start in life for the children and young people growing up in Knowsley. That’s why it’s so important that in Knowsley, people have access to good quality childcare, can get a place at their local school, find activities for young people and also know where to go for help if their child needs some extra support – you’ll find it all in the Knowsley Offer.
  • Support for Adults – From speaking to residents, we know that home is where the heart is and people are happy and healthier when they can live in their own home independently. Whatever your circumstances, help and support is available through the Knowsley Offer.
  • Health – From the consultation, we know that people, more so than ever before, want to look after their own and their family’s health. We also know that when people do have health concerns, they want access to help and support quickly and know where to go to get the best possible outcome. The Knowsley Offer outlines the range of support available to you to help you to achieve this.
  • Community Safety – The consultation showed that people generally feel safe in their own homes and their community. The Knowsley Offer outlines what the Council and partners are doing to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour, investment in CCTV as well as the latest crime figures and help and support around domestic abuse, hate crime and anti-social behaviour.
  • Business – Knowsley has a thriving and supportive business community that not only provides employment opportunities for local people, but also contributes positively to the local economy. Through the Knowsley Offer, a range of advice and support is available to businesses to help them to thrive including support with recruitment and training, cost-of-living support, funding and grants and business premises.
  • Jobs and Training – The consultation highlighted that many people are looking to secure a new job or learn a new skill in the next five years. Whether you are starting out in the working world, returning to employment or looking to take your next step, there’s a range of help and support available to help you to achieve your goals through the Knowsley Offer.
  • Get Involved – One thing that really stood out in the consultation was people wanting to get involved and do more in their local area. From looking after yourself, your neighbours and your neighbourhood, you’ll find a range of advice and support in the Knowsley Offer.

Find out more at

If you need help to get online, call into any of the Borough’s five libraries (in Halewood, Huyton, Kirkby, Prescot and Stockbridge Village) and speak to a Digital Buddy. You can check the opening times for the Borough’s libraries by calling 0151 443 3734.

The Knowsley Better Together Board includes representatives from the council, police, fire service, health sector, business community, education, housing and the community and voluntary sector. 

Artwork showing what the Knowsley Offer is, also listed in text above.