KCC Students Helped to Understand Addiction Dangers
May 11, 2015

Catering and Hospitality students at Knowsley Community College now have a better insight in to the dangers of alcohol and drugs in pressured environments after a talk from a former professional footballer.
Andrew Brownrigg, now retired but formerly of clubs such as Sheffield and Kidderminster Harriers, discussed his own battle with addiction as a result of stress and pressure.
Describing his sporting career, Andrew told students that high-pressure environments such as the hospitality industry, and the cultures around them, can lead to people experiencing difficulties with addiction. After six years clean and sober, he was able to provide inspiration to KCC students, and advice on how to deal with pressure and avoid the dangers of drugs, alcohol and addiction.
Students were enthusiastic about sharing their opinions and asking advice, and Andrew was keen to share his experiences. Lecturer David Critchley said the event was “a very inspirational talk for our students”. Speaking of Andrew’s stories and explanation of the dangers of addiction, he continues, “the talk certainly helped learners have a better understanding of the pressures of their work environment and how best to deal with them”.
The talk was organised with Hospitality Action, a charity that offers vital assistance to those within the hospitality industry in need of support or facing crisis.