Have Your Say – Structure and Prospects Appraisal
March 8, 2016
In light of the outcomes of the Structure and Prospects Appraisal report and ongoing cuts to funding, the Governing Body has taken the decision to consult its stakeholders on the following options for the future of the College:
Option 1: Status quo (no change to the College’s current structural arrangements) continuing to serve the local and wider communities.
Option 2 Merger with local College(s) to create a bigger more sustainable business unit more resilient to future financial challenges. The new organisation to continue to serve local and wider communities.
If you are a KCC student or a Parent/Guardian of a KCC student, please download and read the relevant letter.
Letter to KCC Parent/Guardians
To submit your views, please use the consultation form.
The closing date for response is Friday 18th March 2016.