Exams Update
March 27, 2020

Updated: Friday 17th April 2020
The Department for Education has recently announced that GCSE and A level results days will still take place in August 2020.
School Standards Minister, Nick Gibb, said, “I am pleased to confirm that GCSE and A level students will still receive their exam results as planned this summer, on Thursday 20th August and Thursday 13th August, respectively.
“I want to thank all those who are helping to make this happen despite the challenges we are facing.
“We know that this is an important milestone for students, parents and teachers and so I hope this news will provide them with some reassurance and clarity.”
Updated: Friday 3rd April 2020
As you may be aware, the Government has announced the cancellation of GCSE, AS and A level examinations in 2020 due to the outbreak of COVID-19.
We understand that you may be feeling anxious about your grades, but please do not worry, we are doing everything that we can to ensure that no students are disadvantaged as a result of the current situation.
Ofqual has developed and set out a process that will provide a calculated grade to each student which reflects their performance as fairly as possible and has recently published (Friday 3rd April) further guidance in relation to calculated grades, examination and assessments, which can be found via the link below:
Link: A message for all GCSE, AS and A level students this summer.
Our GCSE and A level staff will continue to work with our students between 20th April and 1st May to collate additional evidence to support any grades awarded.
Staff will then review a number of factors such as mock results, classwork, attendance, effort and prior attainment to help predict a grade. These factors will be standardised across the College before being submitted to the board, to ensure all staff have used the same criteria for awarding grades.
Teaching staff will not be sharing grades with students, as they will be subject to standardisation by the awarding body and students will only receive their grades when the awarding body release them in the summer.
Additional sources of information:
Updated 3rd April: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/how-gcses-as-a-levels-will-be-awarded-in-summer-2020