Aspire: KCC Foundation Diploma in Art Design – Summer Show 2015
June 1, 2015

A showcase of final project artwork by Art & Design students from Knowsley Community College. The work is a culmination of the skills and themes developed throughout the year long course and is an opportunity for students to express themselves through their artwork. The sculptures are predominantly made from metal and often incorporate colour and different finishes adding texture and contrasts in the work, these components demonstrate the apparent fragility of an individual plant, contrasted with its ability to survive through ongoing lifecycles.
This exhibition celebrates the students opportunity to foster and promote innovative ideas and extend their technical abilities and contextual understanding, in preparation for their progression to higher education. It is also important that they demonstrate an understanding of the professional context in which they are developing their finished art work for, hence this exhibition being a significant step in that journey.
Visitors can expect to see a diverse range of disciplines in the exhibition including Fine Art, Textiles and Fashion, Graphic Design, Illustration, 3D Design and Crafts and Photography.
If you would like more information about this exhibition, contact Knowsley Council on 0151 443 5617 or email: