If you are looking to start your own business or develop valuable skills and knowledge that can be transferred to a wide range of careers, a business qualification can help you get started.

At Knowsley Community College, you’ll be learning how businesses are created, how they grow and how they become successful.

You will explore everything from project management, marketing and accounting to organisational structures, external influences and the impact of commerce on the wider society.

You will benefit

Our professional lecturers and tutors have extensive experience in commercial industries so that you can rest assured in knowing that you’re learning from the very best.

You will succeed

A business qualification is adaptable across a wide range of sectors and industries, leading to exciting opportunities within logistics, sales, marketing, management, retail, customer service and much more.

You will stand out

In an increasingly dynamic and competitive world, understanding business has become a crucial survival kit for the 21st-century student. Business is one of the most adaptable subjects and can lead to self-employment, holding a high-level managerial position or even working overseas.

We also offer degree level business and management qualifications at University Centre St Helens.

University Centre St Helens provides the perfect backdrop for gaining the academic knowledge needed to progress in your career.

Real Careers Start with Real Experiences

Artwork showing the salary of a job in Business - 'Supply Chain Manager - £20k - £50k, Business Development Manager - £25k - £60k+, Head of Purchasing - £25k - £40k, Marketing Manager - £25k - £55k, Human Resources Officer - £15k - £35k, Chartered 
Accountant - £25k - £80k+'
