Why choose us?

We recognise that competition for entry to top universities and coveted professions is fierce. So, to ensure that you exceed expectations and compete with the very best, we have designed three, unique professional skills programmes; Humanities and Health Professional Skills Programme, Mathematics and Science Professional Skills Programme and Professional Studies Professional Skills Programme.

Delivered in the dedicated A Level Academy at Knowsley Community College, tutors advocate a highly supportive learning experience with smaller class sizes, focussed on stretching and maximising students’ potential.

You will benefit

Each programme offers exclusive placements with high profile employers, masterclasses with guest speakers from industry, realistic work environments to ensure state-of-the-art learning, extra enrichment initiatives and the development of valuable employability skills.

You will succeed

It is increasingly common for students to undertake a combination of A levels and BTEC qualifications as it enables students to not only demonstrate their strong academic ability and self-motivation with A level study but their organisational and communication skills due to the practical nature of BTEC courses.

Level 3 BTECs also carry UCAS Tariff points equivalent to A levels which employers hold in high regard due to the practical and collaborative work with industry specific skills taught during the courses.

You will stand out

Each programme, designed by industry experts, combine academic knowledge with professional skills and valuable work experience, demonstrating to employers and universities that you have what it takes to succeed in your future career.

The Professional Skills Programme also supports new statistics published by UCAS in 2015, which show more than a quarter of all students from England being accepted on to degree courses the previous year, holding at least one BTEC.