At Knowsley Community College everybody is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment where all students feel safe and receive effective pastoral and safeguarding care, guidance and support.

We share the belief that safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility. We have a dedicated safeguarding team that promotes awareness of safeguarding issues and is always available to provide support to students, their families and college staff.

In partnership, we to aim continually improve services to children, young people and vulnerable adults, and support our staff in the effective management of the welfare and safety of these students.

Knowsley Community College aims to:

  • Ensure that every individual is respected and valued;
  • Provide an enjoyable, safe, supportive and caring environment, building confidence and providing excellent skills development for life and work;
  • Provide a supportive culture.

We proudly advocate high quality care and support for all of our students as we strive to offer the very best education and training. We recognise the importance of integrated safeguarding and support services as part of the student experience to enable students to achieve positive outcomes.

In line with statutory safeguarding guidance, Knowsley Community College has a designated safeguarding team with responsibility for safeguarding across College and work together to provide effective safeguarding and pastoral interventions, care, guidance and support.

To contact a member of the safeguarding team please call 07545103527.

Useful Documents

Safeguarding, Mental Health and Wellbeing Team

Picture of the Safeguarding and Wellbeing Team

Picture of Jeanine Williams

Jeanine Williams
Safeguarding, Mental Health and Wellbeing Manager

07545 103 527 / 01744 623 842

Picture of Jackie Campbell

Jackie Campbell
Safeguarding, Mental Health and Wellbeing Officer

07540 672 819 / 0151 477 5869

Picture of Suzanne

Suzanne Littler
Safeguarding, Mental Health and Wellbeing Officer

07814 667 808 / 01744 623 379

Picture of Lynda

Lynda Manning
Safeguarding, Mental Health and Wellbeing Officer

07833 309 564 / 01744 623 379

Picture of Sam

Sam McLean
Safeguarding, Mental Health and Wellbeing Officer

07748 133 734 / 01744 623 379

Picture of Olivia

Olivia Flaherty
Safeguarding, Mental Health and Wellbeing Officer

07768 745 991 / 01744 623379

Picture of James

James Jordan
Designated Safeguarding Lead

0151 481 4679