Are you looking to study a degree but do not have the required entry qualifications?
Our one-year, nationally recognised, Access to Higher Education (HE) qualifications are designed to prepare you for degree-level study.
Each Access to Higher Education (HE) qualification is tailored to a specific subject area, so whether you are looking for a career change or to unlock further career opportunities, Access to Higher Education is a great first step to achieving this.
Depending on your personal circumstances, eligibility and subject to a fee assessment, your Access to HE qualification may be free. For more information, visit our dedicated page here.
Student Successes
Our students have gone on to do amazing things, check out our student successes here.
Our Courses
Access to HE Diploma - Health Professionals (Online Learning)
Access to HE
Access to HE Diploma - Psychology (Online Learning)
Access to HE
Access to HE Diploma - Social Work (Online Learning)
Access to HE
Access to HE Diploma - Health Professionals
Access to HE
Access to HE Diploma - Psychology and Mental Health
Access to HE